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Proper 9C / 4th Sunday after Pentecost

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

Updated: Oct 4, 2022

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


As with last week it could make sense to open with a song which sets us in the season of Pentecost and calls for the presence of the Holy Spirit. Come down, O love divine (CH 489 / MP 89) would be a classic opening hymn for this season while Spirit of truth and grace (CH 608) is a great alternative text to the same tune and Be still for the presence of the Lord (CH 189 / MP 50) would be a popular contemporary hymn. Holy Spirit (CCLI) or Fresh wind (CCLI) are well known worship songs on this theme while Breath of God (Common) is a good alternative to consider which would be very simple to pick up. You could also consider some shorter songs such as the round Jesus lead us to the Father (Resound), Come, Holy Spirit, descend on us (CH 589 / MP 818) and Come, come, O Holy Spirit / Ven, Espíritu Santo (GSW 24).


There are not many mainstream settings of Psalm 30 but there are a lot of interesting settings in a huge variety of styles. Lord, you can turn all mourning into dancing (WGRG) is a simple short song inspired by vv.5 and 11 which could be picked up quickly and sung in parts, potentially used for a responsorial reading. Sing to God, that all may hear you (Scheer) and I will sing your mercies (Grace) are metrical settings, with the former being more comfortable for those used to classic hymnody while the latter has a bit of a Musical Theatre feel. Thirty (CCLI) and From death (New Scottish) are both from worship song writers but each have a distinctive musical sound. O choro pode durar / My weeping and my deep sorrow (PFAS 30D / GP 2) from Brazil would be great fun with lots of percussion and probably be best introduced responsorially, with the congregation singing the chorus and a soloist or choir singing the verses.


Murassala (WGRG / H 82) from South Sudan would link well to the Gospel as it calls on us all to be ambassadors of Jesus just as the 70 who were sent out were. You could also focus on how the call to mission is a call to live simply in When the hungry who have nothing (CH 258), Come with me, come wander / Sing hey for the carpenter (WGRG / STF 462)

or Simple living (MP 1251 / CCLI / Townend). You could also consider similar songs to last week about following Jesus such as the modern classics Will you come and follow me (CH 533) and Lord, you have come to the seashore (CH 532) or I will follow (CCLI) and Jesus you have called us (Resound) which are good options for worship bands.

The strongest focus for songs linked to Galatians is v.14 and boasting only in the cross of Christ. There are a great range of songs you could use for this including class hymns such as The old rugged cross (MP 536), I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (CH 645 / MP 323) and In the cross of Christ I glory (CH 397 / MP 338), through to worship songs such as The power of the cross (MP 1217 / CCLI / Getty), Worthy is the lamb (MP 1109 / CCLI) and The wonderful cross (CCLI) which is a reimagining of “When I survey the wondrous cross”.

Songs about being cleansed in the river are the most obvious link to the Old Testament and you can find these in a range of styles including Jesus, lover of my soul (CH 490 / MP 372), Healing river of the Spirit (CH 707), River, wash over me (MP 581) and Living waters (CCLI).


The Gospel is a good hook for the sending as we are sent out in the same way as the 70 were. Go to the world! Go into all the earth (CH 683), We have a gospel to proclaim (CH 363 / MP 728) and For my sake and the gospel’s, go (CH 248) are great options for hymns which also links to the theme of boasting only in the cross of Jesus from the Epistle. Hear the call of the kingdom (MP 1282 / CCLI / Getty) and Mission’s Flame (CCLI) would be good worship songs to consider while Hamba nathi / Come with me (WGRG) and Ewe thina / We walk his way (WGRG) from South Africa can also lend themselves to the physical movement of setting out on the journey.


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