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Proper 8B

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


There isn’t much in any of the readings that cries out to be used as a gathering theme so general songs about our hope and trust in God would set up some of the themes in the readings. Every new morning (CH 213), Every promise (CCLI / Getty) and Let his praise be on our lips (Satellite) are great general gathering songs for as they bring us into worship from the morning. Sing of the Lord’s goodness (CH 157), Waiting here for you (CCLI) and Waymaker (CCLI) focus more on our expectations of the amazing things which God will be able to do whether that is bringing “comfort in our sorrow” or being a “miracle worker”.


There is a poignancy to the Scottish Paraphrase Lord, from the depths to thee I cried (CH 87) when sung to the tune Martyrdom which really suits this penitential psalm, especially if it is sung a cappella. Out of the depths (Grace) and In deep despair I cry to you (PFAS 130E / link) are metrical versions in more contemporary language set to well known tunes which capture a similar feel. For you, my God, I wait (PFAS 130G) has a lovely lilting original tune but it can also be sung to Southwell, the tune which Out of the direst depths (WGRG) is set to as well. Out of the depths (CCLI / Grace) is a worship song which effectively contrasts verses about times of despair and questioning with a chorus focusing on our hope and trust in God.


There are many songs about healing which could link into the Gospel today, including reflective ones such as O Christ, the healer, we have come (CH 717) and We cannot measure how you heal (CH 718) to the more lively When Jesus the healer passed through Galilee (CH 350) which uses a simple call and response while talking about the many different healing stories in the Gospels. Lord Jesus Christ, lover of all (WGRG) is a short response with the words being prayer for healing asking Jesus to “trail wide the hem of your garment” which gives a specific reference to the healing of the haemorrhaging woman. Ribbon-clad boy-child (GIA) takes an interesting angle to this story by exploring fabric throughout the life of Jesus, from being wrapped in fabric at the beginning and end of his life to times like this where it was significant in his ministry. When Jesus calls (Gordon) is about the other story in this reading, picking up Jesus’ words “why do you weep?”.

He became poor (WGRG) links directly to v9 of the Epistle and Jesus becoming poor so that we may become rich. Other songs to consider are ones which focus on the other angle to this and the need to have a “love for simple things” and When the hungry who have nothing (CH 258), Simple living (MP 1251 / CCLI / Townend) would both tie into this while Give thanks with a grateful heart (CH 180 / MP 170) is perhaps a more general option.

David’s lament for Saul and Jonathan in the Old Testament is a ritual to be taught to the people of Judah and songs such as Abide with me (CH 580 / MP 4) or Be still, my soul: the Lord is on your side (CH 691) which are widely sung at funerals could be the contemporary equivalent. From the falter of breath (CH 730) and O Christ, you wept when grief was raw (CH 734) could let you explore how people respond to death while For all the saints, who from their labours rest (CH 740 / MP 148) picks up elements of mourning Saul and Jonathan as great men who led their people in battle.


All of the readings lead us to God bringing hope, whether it’s lamenting for loved ones or healing those who are sick, and so you could consider classic hymns such as All my hope on God is founded (CH 192 / MP 16), O for a thousand tongues, to sing (CH 352 / MP 496) and Jesus, lover of my soul (CH 490 / MP 372), modern favourites such as Beauty for brokenness / God of the poor (CH 259 / MP 806) or more recent worship songs such as There's nothing that our God can't do (CCLI) and Living hope (CCLI).


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