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Proper 5A / 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


The God of Abraham praise (CH 162 / MP 645) could be a good opening hymn if you want to link to either the Old Testament or Epistle, while By faith (MP 1262 / CCLI / Getty) could also link to these. You could also link to the calling of Matthew in the Gospel with Jesus calls us here to meet him (CH 510), Jesus call us o’er the tumult (CH 509 / MP 359) or Come now is the time to worship (CH 196 / MP 1040) some well known options while alternatives include In the name of Christ we gather (CH 677), Jesus lead us to the Father (Resound) and Rise and shine (CCLI).


There are two great options for singing the psalm from Latin America, either Cantemos al Señor / Let’s sing unto the Lord (CH 176) or the first couple of verses of Cantad al Señor / Let’s sing to the Lord (CH 126). Rain down (OCP) is a song that isn’t widely known in the UK but has a wonderful Gospel feel and is easy to pick up. You can introduce it to a congregation with a soloist or choir singing the verses. Sound the drum and keep the beat (GIA) is a joyful and rhythmic call and response and would be a more playful option, especially if you can get lots of people playing percussion. If you’re looking for a more classic metrical hymn then Rejoice, you righteous, in the Lord (PFAS 33B / link) sung to Ellacombe would be worth considering.


There are two main themes you might wish to pick up from the Gospel. The theme of calling could link to songs such as Will you come and follow me (CH 533), Jesus you have called us (Resound) or We say yes (CCLI), while Come with me, come wander / Sing hey for the carpenter (WGRG / STF 462) is also worth considering although it can be a bit of a tongue-twister and probably better suited to a soloist taking the verses and the congregation joining in with the refrain. The theme of healing could link to songs such as When Jesus the healer (CH 350), We cannot measure how you heal (CH 718) or Jesus Christ is waiting (CH 360) while Lord of life, we come to you (CH 782) and O Christ the healer we have come (CH 717) turn the focus onto our prayers for healing in ourselves and people we know. Worship songs speaking about healing was a bit of a gap but some more recent ones have focused more on this including Miracles (CCLI), God with us (CCLI) and Impossible things (CCLI).

Songs about the importance of faith would link well to the Epistle, such as By faith (MP 1262 / CCLI / Getty) or Cornerstone (CCLI) which is a more personal response. You could also use a credal statement as a response with some interesting options such as the contemporary This I believe (The Creed) (CCLI) and We believe in one God (Unshakeable) (Resound) or We believe: Maranatha (WGRG / STB) from Asia which is a spoken text with an easy sung response in parts, and If you believe and I believe (CH 771) from Zimbabwe.

Perhaps surprisingly, there aren’t many songs which directly reference the Old Testament story of Abraham with The God of Abraham praise (CH 162 / MP 645) being the obvious choice. God it was (WGRG) and God of Abraham lead us (OCP) both look at stories of God calling people, beginning with Abraham and Sarah, with the former sung to Holy Manna or Lewis Folk Melody.


All of the passages today can lead us to finish by declaring our faith in God and there are some classics which would be very appropriate such as At the name of Jesus (CH 458 / MP 41), Be thou my vision (CH 465 / MP 51) and O Jesus, I have promised (CH 644 / MP 501) while Build my life (CCLI) and In Christ alone (MP 1072 / CCLI / Getty) would be some more contemporary options. There are a couple of songs which specifically tie into the Old Testament such as Promises (CCLI) and To Abraham and Sarah (Hymnary / link). The latter puts us into those generations who follow Abraham and Sarah and would work well as a sending song sung to Thornbury.


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