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Proper 18A / 15th Sunday after Pentecost

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.

In 2023 this Sunday occurs during Creation Time and suggestions for songs which can be used to complement or substitute for the lectionary based material can be found here.


The final verse of the Gospel is a great gathering theme, celebrating God’s presence as we gather together, and there are songs in a range of styles you could link to this including Jesus calls us here to meet him (CH 510), Jesu tawa pano / Jesus we are here (CH 773), God is here! As we your people (Hope / Hymnary), Where two or three (Cantate 1), As we are gathered, Jesus is here (CH 197 / MP 38) and We’re here for you (CCLI)


There are not many settings of Psalm 149 so the best options are from older psalters such as Give praise to the Lord (Grace) or O praise ye the Lord and sing a new song (Hymnary). For a more contemporary text you can find Psalm 149 is set along with the neighbouring psalms such as Bring to the Lord a glad new song (CH 106 / Jubilate) sung to Jerusalem or May we rise (GIA / link) set to an Irish folk tune.


The passage in Matthew is interesting as songs about reconciliation seem appropriate but not ones which focus on forgiveness. Some options for this could be Ososo / Come now O prince of peace (CH 275), When the bonds of love are breaking (CH 690), Peacemaker Jesus (Hope) and Common ground (CCLI) while if you are focusing on the final verse then some of the gathering songs may also be appropriate.

Brother, sister, let me serve you (CH 694 / MP 1261) would be a well known option for responding to the Romans with the Malawian chorus Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love (Hope) and The greatest commandment (CCLI) offering some alternatives. Spirit of Jesus, if I love my neighbour (CH 621) gives a different angle by considering how we are changed when we follow this commandment while Love is the touch of intangible joy (CH 115) considers many ways in which love is shown.

Many songs which reference the passage from Exodus are written with the Last Supper as the main focus but The blood of the Lamb (Hymnary) and Why is this night different (Carolyn) are two options for keeping the focus on the Passover story while Remember, God, your promises (GIA) or As we remember (OCP) (with vv2-3 appropriate) could give a focus on the final verse and the importance of remembering. You could also consider singing an Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) and there are huge number of settings available in different styles, such as Lamb of God (CH 653), Lamb of God (CH 778), O Lamb of God (CH 790) and Mass of Communion - Lamb of God (CCLI). As with last week, Go down, Moses / When Israel was in Egypt’s land (Hymnary) would be appropriate to use during the weeks while there is a focus on Moses bringing the Israelites out of Egypt while Same God (CCLI) could be an option for bands.


God’s love and how we show this in the world would be a strong sending theme with songs such as We sing a love that sets all people free (CH 622), Longing for light, we wait in darkness / Christ be our light (CH 543 / MP 1201), Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly (CCLI), God of all comfort (Resound), Sent by the Lord am I (CH 250) and El mensaje que hoy proclamamos / Hear the message we now are proclaiming (H 46).


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