You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.
In 2023 this Sunday occurs during Creation Time and suggestions for songs which can be used to complement or substitute for the lectionary based material can be found here.
The Old Testament could suggest beginning with songs about openness to the presence of God such as Be still for the presence of the Lord (CH 189 / MP 50), Spirit of truth and grace (CH 608), Jesu tawa pano / Jesus we are here (CH 773), The heart of worship (MP 1016 / CCLI), Jesus lead us to the Father (Resound) and Waiting here for you (CCLI).
Tell what he has done (Grace) sung to Londonderry Air is one of the few contemporary settings of this psalm. Since it appears four times over the course of a few months then you can pick and choose which verses to use each time. Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (CH 167 / MP 201) is not a strict paraphrase but is worth mentioning because it is based on the same narrative of Israel’s journey in the desert.
With so few settings of the psalm it’s also worth considering short songs of praise to God, either as a standalone song or at the beginning and end of a reading of the psalm. Options for this include Praise and thanksgiving let everyone bring (CH 170) where the first verse as a round would work well, Praise, I will praise you, Lord / Je louerai l’Éternel (CH 175), How great is our God (MP 1227) and the Thai song Come and worship (WGRG).
The call to take up your cross and follow me in the Gospel has inspired songwriters throughout the generations including well known older hymns such Take up your cross the Saviour said (CH 402 / MP 935) and In the cross of Christ I glory (CH 397 / MP 338) or newer songs such as Jesus you have called us (Resound) and Above the voices of the world around me (MP 5 / Hymnary). The latter has a number of tunes written for it but could also be sung to Londonderry Air.
Goodness is stronger than evil (WGRG) would be a great response to the Epistle while you could also consider other songs about love, peace and forgiveness such as Lord, make us servants of your peace (CH 527) and Make me a channel of your peace (CH 528 / MP 456) which are both based on the Prayer of St Francis, Ubi caritas (CH 801) and Confitemini Domino / Come and fill our hearts with your peace (Taizé) which are two of the most popular Taizé chants, Help us forgive, forgiving Lord (CH 693), I will sing a song of love (WGRG) and We are one in the Father’s love (CCLI).
Be still for the presence of the Lord (CH 189 / MP 50) would link well to the burning bush in Exodus while In wilderness we wander (GIA) offers a reflection on finding God in the wilderness and Come, living God, when least expected (CH 609) is one of the few well known hymns which explicitly mentions this story. Go down, Moses / When Israel was in Egypt’s land (Hymnary) would be an obvious song to use during the weeks while there is a focus on Moses bringing the Israelites out of Egypt while Same God (CCLI) could be an option for bands. Source and Sovereign, Rock and Cloud (CH 133) and Bring many names (CH 134) would both pick up Moses’ question about how to name God by reflecting on the many ways God is described throughout scripture.
A commitment to follow God’s call would be a natural sending theme and you could use songs such as Will you come and follow me (CH 533), O Jesus, I have promised (CH 644 / MP 501) I, the Lord of sea and sky (CH 251), Build my life (CCLI) and In Christ alone (MP 1072 / CCLI / Getty) or lively choruses such as Hamba nathi / Come with me (WGRG) and Ewe thina / We walk his way (WGRG) from South Africa and Sent by the Lord am I (CH 250) from Nicaragua.