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Proper 12C / 7th Sunday after Pentecost

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

Updated: Oct 4, 2022

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


The Gospel can be used as an invitation to prayer and worship with songs such as What a friend we have in Jesus (CH 547 / MP 746) and Come now is the time to worship (CH 196 / MP 1040), songs calling for the presence of the Spirit such as Be still for the presence of the Lord (CH 189 / MP 50) and Holy Spirit (CCLI) or short songs such as Jesus lead us to the Father (Resound) and Jesu tawa pano / Jesus we are here (CH 773).


For this week's psalm there are a few contemporary lyrics which can be sung to well known tunes such as Lord, you have lavished on your land (PFAS 85A) to Melita, When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured (Jubilate) to Sine Nomine, and Your favour rested on this land (link) to the Sussex Carol (which would also set the psalm in a seasonal context). There are lyrics available for a new version of this psalm by Wendell Kimbrough called We wait upon you Lord (CCLI) which will likely be more guitar led and with a chorus which fits well with Advent. There appears to be no sheet music or recordings available at the time of writing but this could be an option in future years.

For a responsorial setting Righteousness and peace (PFAS 85C) is quite straightforward to pick up. There is also a wonderful two part setting of verses 10-11, Faithfulness will spring up (LTACR 108), by the Taiwanese composer I-to Loh who is one of the most influential Asian church musicians. This is sadly very difficult to get hold of either the sheet music or a recording for but I have made a sample recording here. You could either sing this in full or just use the first two lines as a response.


The Gospel begins with the Lord’s Prayer and this is a great opportunity to introduce a sung setting of that with a huge range of styles to choose from. Abana alathi fi ssama / Abana in heaven (PFAS 1049 / GSW 44) from Egypt is simple to learn as it can be sung as call and response while the worship song style God our Father (Resound) and Our Father, who is in heaven (WGRG / GP 3) from Cambodia both versify it. Other settings worth considering include Our Father in heaven (STF 763) by Ian Worsfold and Our Father in heaven (PFAS 1038) Swee Hong Lim which both have enjoyable melodies to sing and some nice chromatic harmonies. Seek ye first the kingdom of God (CH 641 / MP 590) is an obvious link the second half of the passage while you could also consider more general songs about prayer such as Lord, teach us how to pray aright (CH 545), What a friend we have in Jesus (CH 547 / MP 746) and Lord, teach us to pray (MP 884).

The passage from Colossians could link well to songs about following the way of Christ such as Jesus Christ, our living Lord (CH 524), Ewe thina / We walk his way (WGRG), I will follow (CCLI) and Yet not I but through Christ in me (CCLI). You could also use songs which focus more on resisting the challenges to this such as Who would true valour see (CH 535 / MP 224), Courage, brother! do not stumble (CH 513), When peace like a river (Hymnary / CCLI) or Stand O stand firm (WGRG). The opening of Hosea is rather shocking in isolation

As we spend a few weeks looking at some of the minor prophets then Song of the prophets (CCLI) could be a useful song, which can be sung to Kingsfold, using the first and last verse and the appropriate middle verse for each prophet, while God has spoken by his prophets (Hymnary) could also be used as a general song for this period. Come, let us to the Lord our God (CH 482), Come back to me with all your heart (Hymnary / link) and Let us return to the Lord (GIA) are some of the few songs based on passages from Hosea. You could also consider songs about repentance and God’s forgiveness such as Father of heaven, whose love profound (CH 483 / MP 827), Your grace is enough (MP 1383 / CCLI), Come, O Lord, and set us free (WGRG) or you could use your favourite Kyrie (see Lent 1C for options)


As with last week, the Epistle is a good focus for sending as we think about how to follow Christ in our everyday life and you could use classic older hymns such as Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim (CH 130 / MP 784) and Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go (CH 529 / MP 159), contemporary hymns such as As a fire is meant for burning (CH 252) or Now we are nourished by Jesus our Lord (WGRG) which is set to a fabulous Korean hymn tune, or worship songs such as Hear the call of the kingdom (MP 1282 / CCLI / Getty) and Build my life (CCLI).


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