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Proper 10C / 5th Sunday after Pentecost

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

Updated: Oct 4, 2022

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


The Epistle offers us the theme of gathering as a faithful people of God and you could consider hymns in a range of styles such as Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (CH 124), Longing for light, we wait in darkness / Christ be our light (CH 543 / MP 1201) or Praise, I will praise you, Lord / Je louerai l’Éternel (CH 175). Some worship songs you could also consider include Let Everything (Praise The Lord) (CCLI) and Let his praise be on our lips (Satellite) which are both great gathering songs or Come and worship Christ the King (Resound) which would also link towards the passage in the Epistle next week.


I’ve only been able to find two metrical settings of today’s psalm in contemporary language. God is king - be warned, you mighty (Jubilate) has a strong original tune to match the text but you could also consider Ebenezer (Ton-y-Botel) or Lux Tremenda if these are already known. There where the judges gather (PFAS 82A / Scheer) has the option of both a Victorian tune and an alternative punk rock tune from Greg Scheer, who also has his own more extended setting of this psalm with Gathered in the judgement hall (Scheer). The hand of God (Kimbrough) is well worth considering for bands and brings a gospel tinge which is very appropriate for a justice theme. For a responsorial setting The Lord hears the cry of the poor (PFAS 82B) is a good option.


The classic song for the Good Samaritan would be When I needed a neighbour were you there (CH 544) while Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly (CCLI) and Spirit of Jesus, if I love my neighbour (CH 621) are some alternatives. On the broader theme of loving God and loving our neighbour you could also consider some great contemporary hymns such as Love is the touch of intangible joy (CH 115), Let our vocation be love (GIA) and I will sing a song of love (WGRG). There are also a few short songs that would link to this such as Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love (Hope), He came down that we may have love (CH 359) and Love the Lord your God with all your heart (link).

This is the first of four weeks exploring Colossians but this opening passage is challenging to find songs for as it focuses on the people of the church in Colossae. I am the Church! You are the Church (CH 204) could be a way to sing about being the church together while Now we are nourished by Jesus our Lord (WGRG) can link to walking the way of Jesus together. You could look at the love for all the saints and sharing in the inheritance of the saints which are mentioned with songs such as Glory to you, O God (CH 741) and Rejoice in God’s saints (CH 742).

As we spend a few weeks looking at some of the minor prophets then Song of the prophets (CCLI) could be a useful song, which can be sung to Kingsfold, using the first and last verse and the appropriate middle verse for each prophet, while God has spoken by his prophets (MP 831 / Hymnary) could also be used as a general song for this period. For this passage from Amos you could use songs on the theme of speaking truth to power such as Stand O stand firm (WGRG) or Who will speak (GIA).


A good way to finish would be by singing about how we show the love of God in the world and particularly to our neighbours, following Jesus’ command in the Gospel to “go and do likewise”. As a fire is meant for burning (CH 252) and We sing a love that sets all people free (CH 622) are good contemporary hymns about showing God’s love through our actions while God loved the world so much (WGRG) is an excellent text set to one of the best Sacred Harp melodies. Worship songs to consider include God of justice (MP 1174 / CCLI), God of all comfort (Resound) and We are one in the Father’s love (CCLI).


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