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Proper 10A / 7th Sunday after Pentecost

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


One option to begin is to focus on the theme of hearing the Word, with songs such as Thanks to God whose word was spoken (CH 605), God whose almighty word (CH 112) which appropriately finishes each verse with a call of "let there be light", or Speak O Lord (MP 1350 / Getty / CCLI) which talks of receiving "the food of your holy word" and could be a nice subtle connection with the grain the Gospel. More general songs might be I could sing of your love forever (MP 1006 / CCLI) which sets up themes of truth, freedom and light or Humbly in your sight (CH 496) with helpful references to walking with God and opening our ears to hear the Gospel. If you are specifically focusing on Romans then you might want songs which call on the Spirit such as Holy Spirit (CCLI), Come, Holy Spirit (CH 589), Come down, O love Divine (CH 489 / MP 89) or Spirit of truth and grace (CH 608).


There are two songs from British worship collectives which incorporate the verses from the psalm: When God speaks (Satellite) takes them as its starting point and then moves onto describing what happens when God speaks and prays for this to happen now, while We come to hear your word (Resound) ties them together with verses from John asking the Spirit to "guide us in all truth". There are also two great options from other continents, both with quite lively catchy rhythms. I know your word (MV 108 / GP2 33 / Hymnary) from Brazil and Your word will be a lamp (STB 46 / GP2 32) from Malaysia and both can be taught simply by call and response. You could also sing the psalm responsorially with Send out your light (PFAS 119K / WGRG) which is a setting of Psalm 43:3 but which relates nicely to this psalm as well, or the chorus of Thy word (CCLI) which could work well as a simple refrain.


If you have focused on Matthew then you may want a song which reflects on the parable. I don't often find myself going back to CH3 these days but Almighty God, thy word is cast (Hymnary) is worth looking there for while In our lives plant seeds of hope (CH 349) is a fun option in the newer hymnary.

The final verses of Romans suggest a congregational response praying for the Spirit to dwell in us and this is a rich vein for songs in a range of styles including the plainchant of Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove (CH 587), the Victorian hymn Breathe on me, Breath of God (CH 596 / MP 67), a setting of a Gaelic folk tune with Spirit of God, come dwell within me (CH 722) and the worship song Holy Spirit, inspire again (Resound), as well as some of the options suggested in the Gathering section.

Genesis has set up the story of conflict between Jacob and Esau starting with their time in the womb. God! When human bonds are broken (STF 649 / Hope) is rare in starting by setting out the existence of conflict rather than moving straight to healing, and you can pick a tune your congregation knows in this metre (list). Songs for reconciliation may also be appropriate such as Children of God, reach out to one another (CH 521) or Healing river of the Spirit (CH 707) which also preempts that this interpersonal conflict will lead to conflict between nations.


Both Romans and Matthew lead us to send a congregation out with themes of life, freedom and walking with God. The spirit lives to set us free (MP 664) ties all of these together well while If you believe and I believe (CH 771), Ewe thina / We walk his way (WGRG) and Freedom is coming (PFAS 114C / link / Hymnary) are all African songs which make great recessionals. If you have focused on the Spirit then We sing a love that sets all people free (CH 622) is a great text to a well known tune, Build your kingdom here (CCLI / YouTube) moves the call for the Spirit from the personal to the corporate which might be helpful if you have looked at Romans and Holy Spirit, gift bestower (CH 590) has a gentle strength to the Welsh tune which fits the many descriptions of the way the Spirit acts.


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