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Epiphany 6A

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


You could begin with songs which explore the theme of openness to each other as we join in worship, with a great range of well-known contemporary hymns including Here in this place / Gather us in (CH 623), Let us build a house (CH 198), For everyone born a place at the table (CH 685) and Jesus calls us here to meet him (CH 510). One church, one voice (Satellite) and All are welcome (OCP) would both be great for bands and have easy but catchy choruses which congregations should pick up quickly, the latter being a great alternative to “Let us build a house”.


All those whose way is sound are blessed (PCE / CCLI) is written for St Peter and interestingly is part of an attempt to write an acrostic version of the psalm in English, so every second line begins with ‘a’. Blessed are all (Only in Jesus) (CCLI / link) would be a good option for bands and is from an interesting album with different writers setting the different sections of the Psalm 119. I long for your commandments (Hymnary) is another option as it attempts to bring together themes from across the whole of the psalm.


Songs about personal reconciliation and forgiveness would link to the Gospel, including Lord, make us servants of your peace (CH 527) and Make me a channel of your peace (CH 528 / MP 456) which are both based on the Prayer of St Francis. We lay our broken world (CH 721), Help us forgive, forgiving Lord (CH 693) and We are one in the Father’s love (CCLI) are other songs to consider while you could also use two of the most popular Taizé chants, Ubi caritas (CH 801) and Confitemini Domino / Come and fill our hearts with your peace (Taizé).

The Epistle has a call for unity and some of the songs suggested for the Gospel would be worth considering here as would Christ our peace (GIA) with its catchy chorus, the beautiful short Korean song Ososo / Come now O prince of peace (CH 275) or the livelier Oh how good it is (CCLI / Getty). For something very new you could consider Common ground (CCLI) although it would need a strong vocal lead.

The Old Testament has a focus on obey God’s commandments and you could respond with songs such as When we walk with the Lord (Trust and obey) (MP 760), Speak, O Lord (MP 1350 / CCLI / Townend) or Look upon us, blessed Lord (CH 601). You could also link to Psalm 1 with options for singing this including How blest are those who do not stray (CH 1), Your word, O Lord (Resound) and Happy are they who walk in God’s wise way (PFAS 1C / STB 87) from Thailand, which can be accompanied by finger cymbals and drum for an authentic sound.


The ending of the Epistle is a call for unity, to work together following God’s way. That could suggest ending with songs such as As a fire is meant for burning (CH 252), Brother, sister, let me serve you (CH 694 / MP 1261), God of all comfort (Resound) and We are one in the Father’s love (CCLI) while Now we are nourished by Jesus our Lord (WGRG) which is set to a fabulous Korean hymn tune and Ewe thina / We walk his way (WGRG) from South Africa would both be lively options to finish with.


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