You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.
The Gospel story this week is an account of the calling of the disciples and so this is a strong gathering theme with songs such as Jesus calls us here to meet him (CH 510), Jesus call us o’er the tumult (CH 509 / MP 359), Come people of the risen King (GWA 44 / MP 1267 / CCLI / Getty) and Come now is the time to worship (CH 196 / MP 1040) some well known options while alternatives include In the name of Christ we gather (CH 677), Jesus lead us to the Father (GWA 131 / Resound) and Rise and shine (CCLI).
If you are focusing on the Old Testament then you could also pick up on the words from Isaiah with Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty (CH 111 / MP 237), Glory be to God the Father (CH 110) or Holy, holy (MP 1058 / CCLI).
I shall praise you, O God, from my soul (CH 95) is an easy setting of Psalm 138 to pick up, almost imitating Spirituals with the repeated lines in each verse and the simple but soulful music. I give you praise, O Lord, with all my being (PCE / CCLI) would be an option for those looking for a familiar tune as it can be sung to LONDONDERRY AIR. With grateful heart my thanks I bring (PFAS 138A / Grace) is a fairly widely sung setting (although not one that I’m aware of being part of the repertoire in Scotland) which would appeal to those who enjoy Victorian hymnody as it is written by the same composer as “Jesus loves me, this I know”. Lord, I thank you (GIA) or On the day I called (OCP) are both good options for a responsorial setting with very attractive refrains. The short chant I praise you, O God, with all of my heart (GWA 16 / MV 61) also uses words from this psalm so could also be used responsorially.
Songs about the calling of the disciples can be used for the Gospel reading including Will you come and follow me (CH 533), the lively Come with me, come wander / Sing hey for the carpenter (WGRG / STF 462) which can be a bit of a tongue-twister and is probably better suited to a soloist taking the verses and the congregation joining in with the refrain, Jesus you have called us (GWA 166 / Resound) and We say yes (CCLI). Two other possibilities are Dear Lord and Father of mankind (CH 485 / MP 111), which mentions the calling of the disciples in its second verse, and Would I have answered when you called (STF 674), which asks what our response would have been.
It’s also important to add a note here that the popular song Pescador de hombres / Lord, you have come to the seashore (CH 532), which would connect well with this reading, is written by Cesáreo Gabaráin. A number of allegations of sexual misconduct were made after his death and investigated by the Archdiocese of Madrid but no substantial evidence was found and the investigation was closed. Publishers and churches have taken a mixed approach as to whether to continue using his songs and worship leaders should be aware of this, consider the information available publicly, and make decisions that are sensitive to their pastoral context.
The Epistle focuses on the grace of God working in our lives and Amazing grace (CH 555 / MP 31) or it’s popular Chris Tomlin version Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (MP 1151 / CCLI) would be an obvious choice here while Your grace is enough (MP 1383 / CCLI) and Yet not I but through Christ in me (GWA 170 / CCLI) are other worship songs worth considering for this. You could also look at songs which tell the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection and of course there are many options here but a few to consider include as Jesus is risen, alleluia (CH 409), The day of resurrection (CH 413), I know that my Redeemer lives (CH 423) and Christ was raised (Resound).
Angel voices ever singing (CH 498 / MP 34) would tie in with the Old Testament reading with our response to the angels’ song of praise being to offer ourselves to God. For a more explicit focus on Isaiah’s vision you could consider the Victorian hymn Bright the vision that delighted (NEH 343) or the Rwandan song Heaven opened to Isaiah (GSW 6) while Sweetest mystery (Gordon) is a reflection on both Isaiah 6 and the Trinity. There are also many options for singing the words of the seraphim including the wonderful MacMillan setting of the Sanctus (St Anne Mass) (CH 651), the Argentianian Santo, santo, santo / Holy, Holy, holy (CH 769), a contemporary reimagining of the text Holy, holy Lord (GWA 71), or Nathan Fellingham’s Holy, holy (MP 1058 / CCLI). Finally, I, the Lord of sea and sky (CH 251) would link with Isaiah’s response to God.
The sending out of the disciples in the Gospel is a natural way to send out from the service and many of the songs which pick up this theme would also link well with the end of Isaiah. There are many songs which can pick up this theme in a range of styles from classic hymns such as I, the Lord of sea and sky (CH 251), Go to the world! Go into all the earth (CH 683), We have a gospel to proclaim (CH 363 / MP 728) and For my sake and the gospel’s, go (CH 248), more recent worship songs like Hear the call of the kingdom (GWA 138 / MP 1282 / CCLI / Getty) and Mission’s Flame (CCLI), or songs from around the world such as Sent by the Lord am I (CH 250) from Central America and Murassala (GWA 81 / WGRG / H 82) from South Sudan which calls on us all to be ambassadors of Jesus.