You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.
As we move towards Pentecost there is more focus on the Spirit and the readings today could suggest gathering by calling for her presence. Spirit of truth and grace (CH 608) is a well known hymn tune and would link well to the Spirit as Advocate while other options include Be still for the presence of the Lord (CH 189 / MP 50), Holy Spirit (CCLI), the round Jesus lead us to the Father (Resound) or the short songs Come, Holy Spirit, descend on us (CH 589 / MP 818) and Wa Wa Wa Emimimo / Come, O Holy Spirit, come (WGRG).
As suggested throughout the Easter season, if you used any of the more contemporary hymns on Easter Sunday such as Christ is alive, and the universe must celebrate (CH 422), Away with gloom, away with doubt (CH 418), Earth, earth, awake; your praises sing (CH 420) or Christ was raised (Resound) it could also be worth repeating them to help them become part of your congregation’s repertoire.
Praise our God with shouts of joy (PFAS 66E / Jubilate) is a good option for a metrical setting of the psalm, with Lauds or St Bees some alternative tunes to consider. All creation sings God’s greatness (GIA) is a more ambitious option but the music gives a wonderful lift to the text. The rhythmic shifts are consistent and should be possible for a congregation to pick up by ear. There are also a range of short choruses you could use for a responsorial reading including Uyai mose / Come all you people (CH 757), vv.1-2 of Cantad al Seňor / Let’s sing to the Lord (CH 126) and Awesome God (MP 1005 / CCLI).
The Gospel can link to songs calling on the Advocate, the Spirit of truth, such as Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove (CH 587) which is set to a beautiful ancient plainchant melody, Holy Spirit, living breath of God (MP 1183 / CCLI / Getty), Breath of God (Common), O Lord Jesus, enfold me in your arms (CH 571) or the short songs Ven, Espíritu Santo / Come, come, O Holy Spirit (GSW 24) and If you believe and I believe (CH 771).
The Epistle could suggest either songs about Christ suffering for us such as Praise the One who breaks the darkness (CH 348) and Most glorious Lord of life, that on this day (CH 215) or songs about being saved through baptism such as We know that Christ is raised and dies no more (CH 635) and Baptized in water (CH 636).
You could use a credal statement as a response to the reading from Acts, with options including This I believe (The Creed) (CCLI), We believe in one God (Unshakeable) (Resound) or We believe: Maranatha (STB) from Asia which is a spoken text with an easy sung response in parts. The mention of the breath of God in v.25 could link to Breathe on me, breath of God (CH 596 / MP 67) or O Breath of life, come sweeping through us (CH 595), as well as some of the songs suggested for the Gospel.
You could end with songs which call on the Spirit for renewal including hymns such as Come, Holy Spirit, come (CH 594), O Breath of life, come sweeping through us (CH 595) or We sing a love that sets all people free (CH 622), the wonderful Tanzanian song Gracious Spirit, hear our pleading (CH 613), or worship songs such as Fresh wind (CCLI) or Free amen (CCLI).