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Christmas 1C

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


The Psalm offers us an opportunity to sing songs of praise and it’s worth emphasising that it is all of creation singing praise in these readings. The best thing is to use songs which are “heart songs” in your congregation but well known ones which relate to the readings are All creatures of our God and King (CH 147 / MP 7), Praise the Lord, his glories show (CH 152), Joyful, joyful, we adore thee (Hymnary), Creation sings the Father’s song (MP 1268 / CCLI / Getty) and Indescribable (MP 1170 / CCLI).

If you want to begin with a more seasonal carol then Angels from the realms of glory (CH 324 / MP 35) could be a good option as it summarises the Christmas story but culminates with “all creation, join in singing” with the option of a contemporary version by Brenton Brown (CCLI). Joy to the world (CH 320 / MP 393) has the song of heaven and song of earth joining together and there are contemporary versions by Phil Wickham (CCLI) and Chris Tomlin (CCLI). Good Christians, all rejoice (CH 322 / MP 196) might lead towards the Epistle as it moves from “Christ is born today” to “Christ was born to save”. 


This week’s psalm has settings in a full range of styles. The Lord of heaven confess (CH 104) is a straightforward metrical setting, Glory to God above (CH 105) is a lively Wild Goose original with some simple harmony parts, All you works of God (CH 151) has a bright chorus and then some call and response in the verses, while Let Creation Sing (CCLI) would suit those looking for a worship song and Silver skeins of angel hair / Raise an Alleluia (GWA 23) has a more contemporary Scottish folk feel. Nyanyikanlah / Hallelujah! Sing praise to your creator (PFAS 148E / GSW 5) is a lively song from Indonesia which would be well suited to percussion accompaniment.


The Gospel and the Old Testament speak about Jesus and Samuel in the temple as children and Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer (CH 632) and A little child the Saviour came (CH 631) can both link to this if you omit v3 from the latter which is for baptism. Jesus’ parents left the temple (Carolyn) is an option for singing the Gospel story, while Within the Father's house (Hymnary) and His Father’s house (Jubilate) both pick up on v49. A holy baby (Hope) and Behold the Lamb of God (GIA) are both useful songs for connecting different parts of Jesus’ life and where you can pick and choose verses as appropriate, with both including verses relevant to this passage.

There are a number of different themes from the Epistle. Let us build a house (CH 198) and In Christ we live (GWA 204 / WGRG) speak about what it means to be the church while When the bonds of love are breaking (CH 690), Help us forgive, forgiving Lord (CH 693) and Ososo / Come now O prince of peace (CH 275) can link to forgiveness and reconciliation. Give thanks with a grateful heart (CH 180 / MP 170) and Shukuru, Yesu / Thanking you Jesus (GWA 45 / GSW 16) link specifically to the end of v15 and the call to be thankful. When, in our music, God is glorified (CH 203) and When Miriam’s daughters rise and sing (GWA 149) pick up the theme of singing to God. Finally, May the mind of Christ my Saviour (CH 536 / MP 463) and Jesus puts this song into our hearts (CH 692) can be good options for combining some of these themes.


As with the opening song you could sing a seasonal carol here such as It came upon the midnight clear (CH 303 / MP 345), Love came down at Christmas (CH 316 / MP 451) or Of the Father’s love begotten (CH 319) which can link to the themes in today’s readings. If you prefer to move on from carols then You shall go out with joy (CH 804) and Let all creation sing before the Lord (GWA 155 / Resound) would pick up on the idea of all of creation praising God in the psalm.

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