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Advent 3C

Writer's picture: Iain McLartyIain McLarty

You can find a YouTube playlist here with many of the songs suggested below.


There is a strong theme of rejoicing in today’s readings which is always a strong opening theme. Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes (CH 277 / MP 210) and Awake, awake and greet the new morn (GIA) are good seasonal options while Rejoice! the Lord is King (CH 449 / MP 575) and Come people of the risen King (GWA 44 / MP 1267 / CCLI / Getty) are some more general ones. Joy to the world (CH 320 / MP 393) is worth considering if you lean into its theme of preparation but there’s always a risk it might feel like Christmas has arrived early!

If you are using an Advent candle lighting song then Christmas is coming (CH 282 / CP 34) and Advent candles tell their story (STF 165 / link) are good options for the pattern of Hope, the Prophets, John the Baptist, and the Virgin Mary, while Hope is a candle, once lit by the prophets (CH 284) and We are a people of hope (GWA 90 / Hope) work well for the Hope, Peace, Love, Joy themes.


You might like to use a short Advent song before the reading of scripture. This is a good opportunity to give some musical continuity to the season, either by using the same song each week or by using songs in a similar style. The following songs all have a similar text, praying for Jesus to come, but use a mix of English, Latin and Aramaic: Maranatha (GWA 92 / MV 19), Come, come Emmanuel (link), Veni, veni (WGRG), and Veni Immanuel (WGRG). There are also some settings of plainchant which can work well here as continuity through the season, with the simplicity of the music allowing an opportunity for the power of the words to really sink in. The Advent Prose (NEH 501) is widely sung throughout Advent while O heavenly Word of God on high (NEH 2) would be another option.

It can often be a challenge to find sung settings of the less commonly used canticles but there are a few good options for Isaiah 12 with Surely it is God who saves me (Hope) a metrical version sung to IN BIBILONE while We will say in that day (Kimbrough) would work well for bands and has a nice gospel tinge. The Taizé chant In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful (CH 772 / MP 865) would be a great responsorial option while You will draw water joyfully (GIA) and With God you shall draw water (GIA) are other possibilities for this where you could either just use the refrain or have a soloist or choir sing the verses.


The Gospel features John the Baptist again this week and so it’s worth considering songs such as On Jordan's bank, the Baptist's cry (CH 334 / MP 538), Lo, in the wilderness a voice (NEH 170), Wild and lone the prophet's voice (STF 189 / Hope) and Through the prophets (New Scottish) again. There is a greater focus on baptism this week which might also suggest songs such as Baptized in water (CH 636) and When John baptized by Jordan's river (Hope).

Philippians contains many themes in just a few short verses. You can echo the opening acclamation with songs such as Rejoice! the Lord is King (CH 449 / MP 575) and Come people of the risen King (GWA 44 / MP 1267 / CCLI / Getty) while Wait for the Lord (CH 276) would link to v5 and is very suitable for Advent. Woza nomthwalo wakho / Come, bring your burdens to God (GWA 64 / WGRG) and Bring it all to me (GWA 62 / Fischy) respond well to v6 and various songs of blessing link well to the closing verse such as Now go in peace (CH 789), The peace of the earth be with you (CH 798) and Na jijoho / Peace be with you (GWA 84 / GIA).

The passage from Zephaniah suggests songs about the restoration of fortunes and there are options in a range of styles including Make way, make way for Christ the King (CH 279 / MP 457), Alleluia! Hurry, the Lord is near (CH 280), People, look East. The time is near (CH 281), Lift up your heads, eternal gates (CH 289) and All the earth was waiting (Resound).


As with other weeks in Advent, it’s good to end with songs which anticipate the coming of Christ and options include Christ is coming! let creation (CH 475), Soon and very soon (CH 749), Make way, make way for Christ the King (CH 279 / MP 457) and Hail to the Lord’s anointed (CH 474 / MP 204). The latter also has alternative versions by New Scottish Hymns (New Scottish) and Indelible Grace (link) which would be better suited to bands while Come Lord Jesus (CCLI) and Even so come (CCLI) are some other possibilities.

It’s worth considering a blessing song today with the songs which link to Philippians - Now go in peace (CH 789), The peace of the earth be with you (CH 798) and Na jijoho / Peace be with you (GWA 84 / GIA).


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