Course Description
Church and Christian faith practices are in the midst of critical sea-change made all the more intense and unsettling by the Covid 19 pandemic. Navigating this contemporary cultural change presents opportunities and challenges for effective Christian discipleship, to re-imagine and experiment in both ancient and new vessels. This course will use biblical and theological perspectives combined with insights from history and the social sciences to provide portals through which to understand and engage with an increasingly disruptive environment. It will include exploring a range of creative expressions of Christian life for both individuals and communities this Advent, and equip people for spiritual renewal in diverse local contexts.
This is an open access course available as a 10-credit course (accredited by the University of Glasgow) or audit-only for those who just wish to engage with the learning programme for their own personal benefit.
Church and Christian faith practices are in the midst of critical sea-change made all the more intense and unsettling by the Covid 19 pandemic. Navigating this contemporary cultural change presents opportunities and challenges for effective Christian discipleship, to re-imagine and experiment in both ancient and new vessels. This course will use biblical and theological perspectives combined with insights from history and the social sciences to provide portals through which to understand and engage with an increasingly disruptive environment. It will include exploring a range of creative expressions of Christian life for both individuals and communities this Advent, and equip people for spiritual renewal in diverse local contexts.
This is an open access course available as a 10-credit course (accredited by the University of Glasgow) or audit-only for those who just wish to engage with the learning programme for their own personal benefit.
Listening in Mission

Online Practical Theology Short Courses
with Trinity College Glasgow & Theology & Religious Studies, University of Glasgow
Course Description
This course will explore the practice and theology of listening in mission within local communities and how this may renew imagination and impact of the church in a rapidly changing society. Course attendees will explore common mission approaches and be introduced to practices of local community research, theological reflection, and spiritual discernment, in order to develop practical skills in mission attentiveness. Processes that enable group reflection, observation, listening to stories and interpretation will be introduced so these skills can be deployed in church or mission teams. This course is applicable to those who lead in local church situations and those interested in innovating and pioneering in church mission.
This is an open access course available as a 10-credit course (accredited by the University of Glasgow) or audit-only for those who just wish to engage with the learning programme for their own personal benefit.
Tutor Rev. Dr. Sally Nelson

Sally read Chemistry at Jesus College, Oxford, and had a career in science publishing before pursuing theological education at London School of Theology and Spurgeon’s College. She was ordained as a Baptist minister and has held pastorates in Watford and Wetherby as well as chaplaincy posts in hospice and hospital. For 9 years she worked at St Hild College, Yorkshire, as Dean of Baptist formation and teaching theology and pastoral studies. Sally’s PhD from the University of Manchester examined the meaning of suffering from a narrative perspective. A related research interest is the theology of disability. Sally coordinates two reflective theology networks for Baptists in the north of England and edits the Baptist Ministers’ Journal, Scripture Union’s Encounter with God notes, and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Baptist Theology in Context. She has served as an External Examiner for Roehampton University, is a Trustee of Faith & Thought, and is a member of the Baptist Academic Network. Sally enjoys growing vegetables in her garden and walking. She is married and has one daughter, who has complex and severe disabilities.
Timetable & Duration
30th January to 27th March, 2025
This course will take place online on Thursday evenings, 7.00pm-9.00pm. This course will be taught over 9 weeks (including a one-week break) via online real-time meetings & instruction and after class activities.
Introduction to the course
The way we think about and practice mission in our local communities has changed. As churches, we are in a space both familiar and new. We understand our limitations in both mission and ministry and the new possibilities in relationship with places and neighbours. So how do churches and mission teams take up our present challenge? 'Listening in mission' takes the view that the Spirit of God invites us to pay attention and to learn where God is ahead of us and where invitations are open to demonstrate and share Good News. For churches or for new mission or planting teams starting out, 'listening in mission' offers practical pathways for becoming more attuned to local mission opportunity, and for discerning responses that are Christ shaped in their local context.
The course is designed to introduce activities, spiritual practices and practical steps that can be deployed in a local church or a new mission team setting. Hands-on practical work, introduction to key frameworks and resources, online supportive conversations and feedback, will involve participants in an 8 week journey of discovery.
This course aims to:
Help participants explore a local practice of church mission that attends to the mission of God in their social context.
Develop skills in local community research, theological reflection, and identifying local mission opportunities, that can be deployed in churches.
Stimulate participants and their churches to renew their imagination and impact for local mission through improved awareness and understanding of the local community and its social changes
Reflect on current church approaches to mission
Topics include:
God's mission in Christ's way;
Being attentive to places;
What are we not seeing or hearing?
Community mapping skills and approaches for local discovery;
Diagnosing local observations, features and stories;
Discerning God possibilities
Discerning Christ shaped opportunities;
Cultivating church spaces for conversation and shared practices of mission attentiveness.
Course information
This course is conducted online in weekly real-time conversations along with materials and interaction using the learning platform, Moodle. Zoom as an online meeting tool will be used for the real-time conversations and online group times. Access to these tools will be supported by the course administration. More information about the use of these will be provided once enrolled.
Each learning module will be taught through a range of online group discussion, exercises, and activities, viewing and reading. Participants will be introduced to a range of hands on practical work for practicing in their own local context, and invited to feedback to the class.
If you take the course for credit, the formal assessment for this course consists of the following:
Portfolio. (1000 words - 50%) Three journal entries (300 words approx each.)
Report. (1000 words – 50%) including diagram content.
*Priority Area subsidy available for this course. Email TrinityCollegeGlasgow@gmail.com for more information.
Sponsorship or subsidies may be available through your own church or denomination and we encourage you to approach them with the details of the course.
How to Apply
Notify your interest now via email: TrinityCollegeGlasgow@gmail.com.
Applications closing Friday the 13th of December 2024.
If you are applying to access a short course online from the UK or internationally, please ensure you have communicated with trinitycollegeglasgow@gmail.com outlining briefly your interest in the course and any experience relevant to the course you are applying for, including any former higher or further education. This will help us to ensure you are able to achieve your goals and enjoy the short course experience.
These courses are delivered through the University of Glasgow. We will contact you with more information and guidance regarding applying, completing your details and payment in time for the course start date. If you have any questions regarding the process, you can contact us on the above email address.
If you have any difficulties with this process – please contact Heather (office administrator) at: