Course Description
Church and Christian faith practices are in the midst of critical sea-change made all the more intense and unsettling by the Covid 19 pandemic. Navigating this contemporary cultural change presents opportunities and challenges for effective Christian discipleship, to re-imagine and experiment in both ancient and new vessels. This course will use biblical and theological perspectives combined with insights from history and the social sciences to provide portals through which to understand and engage with an increasingly disruptive environment. It will include exploring a range of creative expressions of Christian life for both individuals and communities this Advent, and equip people for spiritual renewal in diverse local contexts.
This is an open access course available as a 10-credit course (accredited by the University of Glasgow) or audit-only for those who just wish to engage with the learning programme for their own personal benefit.
Church and Christian faith practices are in the midst of critical sea-change made all the more intense and unsettling by the Covid 19 pandemic. Navigating this contemporary cultural change presents opportunities and challenges for effective Christian discipleship, to re-imagine and experiment in both ancient and new vessels. This course will use biblical and theological perspectives combined with insights from history and the social sciences to provide portals through which to understand and engage with an increasingly disruptive environment. It will include exploring a range of creative expressions of Christian life for both individuals and communities this Advent, and equip people for spiritual renewal in diverse local contexts.
This is an open access course available as a 10-credit course (accredited by the University of Glasgow) or audit-only for those who just wish to engage with the learning programme for their own personal benefit.

Dr Williams MTh:
Ministry, Theology and Practice
Professional Development

Practical Theology Courses
with Trinity College Glasgow & Theology & Religious Studies, University of Glasgow
Introduction to the programme
This programme offers academic training to those exercising leadership roles in Christian churches through delivering continuing professional development in four key areas:
equipping for congregational ministry
culturally relevant hermeneutics for preaching
creative and reflective skills for ministry and mission
theological inquiry.
Teaching input will be both ‘in person’ and online. Modules will typically be delivered either in four full day sessions or via online classes. Lectures, discussions, group work, reflection on practice and student presentations will contribute to personal formation and academic development. Assessments will be based on issues of concern and relevance to participants engaged in ministry.
Who is this programme for?
This programme welcomes the diverse practice and backgrounds of UK-based ministers and church leaders from a range of denominations.
The programme is designed for professional development as part-time study spread over 2 years.
Programme Overview
Over two years part-time:
Three core courses (Creative Ministry, Resourcing Congregational Ministry, Research Methods)
A course of self-directed study in Religion, Theology and Culture
Two optional courses from a range of Theology & Religious Studies courses online or in person according to timetabling
The writing of a 15,000 word dissertation
How much does it cost?
£5,025 per annum.
Full fee subsidy available to leaders in English and Welsh Congregational, Baptist, Unitarian, URC and Quaker churches from the Dr Williams Trust. Applications for this subsidy close 15th of May 2024.
Study subsidies may be available from your own church denomination. This programme is endorsed by the Church of Scotland.
Subsidy of £1,500 per annum is available through Trinity College Glasgow for Church of Scotland ministers. Contact trinitycollegeglasgow@gmail.com.
Programme Feedback
A Church of Scotland minister who has partaken in the course has told us that the course offered:
"An opportunity to engage meaningfully in reviewing the life and practice of ministry in a cohort of peers, each bringing their own insight and experience. I have found the course inspirational and my congregation have noticed the burst of energy that has come from the interruption to life as they knew it! It has encouraged me to open a new chapter in ministry, as well as an awakening of passion for learning and wondering. I commend this course to anyone who would enjoy discovering how the experience of ministry offers and enhances a differing viewing point for learning, from the initial studies for ministry training. Life experience meets theologians head on, with excellent guidance from the teaching team, and friendship from the student cohort. Don't miss out on the minister you will become from the experience this Masters programme offers."
For more information, please email kirsty.pattison@glasgow.ac.uk.
How to Apply
University of Glasgow applications close on the 16th of August 2024.
For complete course information, or to apply, visit: